Youth Group


Sunday School

Grades 7-8
Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:00 am

Middle School

Youth Group

Grades 7-8
Wednesday Nights, 6:30-8:00 pm

High School

Youth Group

Grades 9-12
Sunday Nights, 6:30-8:30 pm

Sign Up for Our Youth Groups

Everyone is welcome at our weekly youth groups. Below is a link to more information and a short registration form to ensure we have the right information for you.

Our Approach

to youth ministry is focused on discipleship through authentic relationships. This requires massive team effort from everyone, leaders, students, parents, and the congregation as a whole. Interested in learning more and becoming involved? Look for a parent meeting in the fall to bring everyone up to speed.

Dave Fauvell, Director

At its June meeting, Session voted to hire Dave Fauvell as our Youth Director. This is a part-time, 20-hour a week position, and it is permanent. Dave has served and loved our young people for more than ten years as a youth leader.
We’re shifting the paradigm from a Youth Director who does it all, to a congregation who joins the call to care for our children, youth and their families. In the coming months, you’ll hear more about this new approach from Dave, our staff and our Session’s Discipling Children and Youth Committee, chaired by Cheryl Gaskill.
We celebrate God’s faithfulness – after three long years, we have a wonderfully gifted Youth Director! Be sure to welcome Dave and his wife Sami when you see them next.

A message from Dave:

“As the youth director, my aim is to help equip and enable the members of FPC Moorestown to disciple the youth of our area. The idea is to prepare older believers then create opportunities for them to engage and love our youth. Many hands make light work and it also means that many people will experience the growth of God’s kingdom first hand.”

Dave Fauvell, Director of Youth Ministries

Meet Our Leaders

  • Director of Youth Ministries: Dave Fauvell
  • Middle School Group: Liz Greene, Dave Fauvell
  • High School Group: Dave Fauvell, Sami Fauvell, Carl Krott

Stay in Touch!

Check the Instagram page – – to reach out and stay informed about the many activities and opportunities available. Our Instagram page is where announcements are posted and is the youth’s main venue for communication.
Attending our High School Youth Group? We have a message for you. The location of our meeting place rotates, please check our Instagram page to be sure of where we will be gathering.

CREDO Confirmation 

The CREDO Confirmation class is a course for those young people who are interested in learning about following Jesus and becoming members of the church.
Associate Pastor, Rev. Wes Allen, leads the CREDO class. Please contact Rev. Allen for more information. 856.235.1688 x 101
Are you interested in FPC Moorestown’s CREDO class? We would love to tell you more!

Join us for Family Dinners

We are asking a donation of $7.00 per person for this catered buffet dinner. 
Please pay at the dinner table, leaving cash or a check in the provided basket or scan the QR code found on the table. You may pay by Venmo (@fpcmoorestown) too. Families may also conveniently pre-pay for Family Dinner for the entire season, the cost is just $150 per family.