Archived Sermon Series 2021

We invite you to revisit our Sermon Series for 2021. On each series page you will find information about the service, worship guides and videos. Just click the BUTTON of each title to visit the full series.

You may also revisit  SERMON SERIES 2020

What a Wonderful World

1/3/21 – 2/14/21

From January 3 to February 14, Pastor Stuart Spencer preaches a series of sermons called, “What a Wonderful World” based on the 7 days of creation. These sermons will provide a reflection on the ever-present wonder and mystery of all that God created.

The Good and Beautiful Community

2/21/21 – 4/4/21

In the season of Lent, FPC Moorestown explores what it means to be ‘The Good and Beautiful Community.” Apprentices of Jesus are not part-time do-gooders. They live in continuous contact with the kingdom of God, and are constantly men and women in whom Christ dwells. 

Holy Week and

The Easter Services

4/3/21 – 4/18/21

We have gathered together the worship services held during the Holy Week on Easter Day and the two services following Easter. Each service different in their tone, we include Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, all leading to the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.

Live-able: the Discipleship Gospel

4/25/21 – 8/8/21

At FPC Moorestown, we strive to be a congregation of disciples who make disciples. The message we preach determines the disciple we’ll make. For sixteen Sundays, we’ll closely examine the “discipleship gospel”, what Jesus preached and what we must do using the Gospel of Mark.

Scatter … Gather

8/15/21 – 9/19/21

For nearly a year and a half, our congregation has been prohibited or limited in our ability to gather together. Once scattered, now we gather. The weekly gathering of a church is an expression of Jesus’ greater heavenly gathering or the universal church. It is an embassy of Christ’s kingdom.

Now is the Time

9/26/21 – 10/24/21

The ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos and Kairos. Kairos is a word meaning the right or opportune moment. While Chronos refers to chronological or sequential time, Kairos signifies a period or season, a moment of indeterminate time in which an event of significance happens.

A Letter for Exiles

10/31/21 – 11/21/21

From the abandoned and desolate city of Jerusalem, the prophet Jeremiah wrote a letter to Jewish exiles living in Babylon. His letter is a word to those who are living where they don’t want to live. The prophet’s word is to settle and thrive in a foreign land.

What are you waiting for?

11/28/21 – 12/26/21

The season of Advent is a season for waiting.
We wait in anticipation of celebrating Jesus’ birth while also praying, Maranatha, Come, Lord Jesus, come!
We wait on the Lord as the normal activity of a disciple. As we wait, God works in and through us.

Christmas Eve


As in 2020, our Christmas Eve was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic… and again we adjusted!
Our Christmas Eve services were held in the Sanctuary and – while protecting everyone by wearing masks and distancing where possible – we worshipped, sang and lifted our candles in joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth.