Archived Sermon Series 2024

We invite you to revisit our Sermon Series for 2024. On each series page you will find information about the service, worship guides and videos. Just click the BUTTON of each title to visit the full series.

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Grow the Kingdom

1/7/24 – 2/11/24

At the start of 2024, Pastors Spencer and Allen preached a series of sermons called “Grow the Kingdom.” The Kingdom of God was the main topic of Jesus’ teaching. God’s Kingdom means the rule of God. The Kingdom of God is the restoration of God’s rule over all things. These sermons will invite our members and friends to do some much bigger than ourselves—Grow the Kingdom!

Meeting Jesus at the Table

2/14/24 – 3/31/24

In the season of Lent, Pastors Allen and Spencer preach a sermon series called, “Meeting Jesus at the Table.” Tables are one of the most important places of human connection. We’re often most fully alive to life when sharing a meal around a table. We shouldn’t be surprised, then, to find that throughout the Bible God has a way of showing up at tables.”

This Road Ends in a Cemetery



4/14/24 – 5/19/24

On these seven Sundays, we will consider seven priorities of the church in Acts. Scholar Michael Green once wrote of Acts, “The Acts has so much to say to our half-hearted and cold-blooded Christianity in the western world. It rebukes our preoccupation with buildings and…pedigree, our syncretism and pluralism, our lack of expectancy and vibrant faith. As such it is a book supremely relevant for our times.”

5/26/24 – 6/30/24

From Sunday, May 26 to June 30, a Fifth Sunday, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a sermon series on the spiritual gifts. These sermons support our Grow the Kingdom commitment, I Will Serve. The sermon series title is “Fan the Flames.”