Archived Sermon Series 2023

We invite you to revisit our Sermon Series for 2023. On each series page you will find information about the service, worship guides and videos. Just click the BUTTON of each title to visit the full series.

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Wake Up! And Then Do What You Want


The Worship Committee invited the congregation to a combined Sunday worship service on January 1, 2023 to welcome the New Year. This combined worship service was be held in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am. We welcomed Paul Gordon to the pulpit as our guest preacher.

Let’s Eat

1/8/23 – 2/19/23

Mangia! Bon Appetit! Enjoy!
In Italy, if they aren’t eating, they are probably talking about eating. The word Mangia! Eat up! Yes, you literally say it with exclamation points with your hands in the air. Bon appetit means good appetite. While a server sets your plate before you and says, Enjoy!

Crossing the Road with Jesus

2/22/23 – 4/2/23

In the season of Lent, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a series of sermons called, Crossing the Road with Jesus. The inspiration for this series is the book, Why did Jesus Cross the Road, by Bruce Main. 

Holy Week and Easter 

4/6/34 – 4/9/23

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3

The Quiet Coming of

The Holy Spirit

4/16/23 – 5/28/23

In the Sundays between Easter ad Pentecost, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a series of sermons, “The Quiet Coming of the Holy Spirit.” Pastor Dwight Judy notes that following the resurrection, many individual encounter Jesus, often privately or with a few people. Each encounter is unique but always people receive hope as a gift and a strength.

God’s Huge Heart

6/4/23 – 9/3/23

This summer we heard God’s Word from the book of Hosea. The relationship of the faithful prophet to his unfaithful wife offers hope for all people to become reconciled to our gracious God.

Biblical Hospitality

9/10/23 – 9/24/23

Inviting Outsiders to be Family
Hospitality is the offer to extend the privileges of community to those who do not have the standing to expect it, especially those who are vulnerable because they are strangers. It’s practices are central to our identity as a people who have been welcomed by God.

Our House, God’s House

10/1/23 – 10/29/23

In our annual Stewardship Emphasis, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a sermon series, “Our House, God’s House.”
This year we mark the 100th year of the home where our church is built and 135th Anniversary of FPC Moorestown, we joyously claim responsibility for our house for it is the Lord’s house.

Hearts on Fire

11/5/23 – 11/26/23

Cultivating and maintaining a heart on fire for God requires the regular consumption of the Word of God, worship and praise, service to others and proclamation of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Moving into the Neighborhood

12/03/23 – 12/17/23

In the season of Advent, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a sermon series called, “Moving Into the Neighborhood: When the Word Became Flesh.” The true gift of Christmas is that the Lord, the Creator of the universe became a human being. The Gospel of John calls Jesus the Word. This Word was the fullness of God who entered into every aspect of human existence.

Christmas 2023

12/23/23 – 12/25/23

This Christmas First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown offers two Christmas Eve Eve services, five Christmas Eve services and a beautiful worship celebration on Christmas Day!



Our New Year’s Eve Service
The Worship Committee invited the congregation to a combined Sunday worship service on December 31, 2023 to welcome the New Year. This combined worship service was held in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am. We welcomed Rev. Dr. Mouris Yousef to the pulpit as our guest preacher.