Archived Sermon Series 2022

We invite you to revisit our Sermon Series for 2022. On each series page you will find information about the service, worship guides and videos. Just click the BUTTON of each title to visit the full series.

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Your Best Friend

Your Worst Enemy

1/2/22 – 2/14/22

From Sunday, January 2 to February 27, Pastors Spencer, Allen and Seminary Intern Paul Savage preach a nine-part series of sermons called Your Best Friend, Your Worst Enemy.

On the Way, Praying

3/2/22 – 4/17/22

This Lent, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a series of sermons on the centrality of prayer as taught and modelled by Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. The series connects to FPC Moorestown’s church-wide Lenten study of The Way of the Pilgrim.

The Master’s Plan

5/1/22 – 7/3/22

In the weeks of Easter, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a six-week sermon series on the book of Ephesians. In Ephesians, we discover the arch of God’s plan for the redemption, restoration and reconciliation of humankind.

Esther’s Choice

7/10/22 – 9/4/22

The summer sermon series is based on the Old Testament book of Esther. Pastors Spencer and Allen preach ten sermons on this ‘page turner’ of a story that demonstrates how God uses ordinary people to bring change in dangerous times.

Live to Give

9/11/22 – 10/30/22

On Welcome Back Sunday, Pastors Spencer and Allen begin a sermon series called, “Live to Give.” Inspired by the book, Wonder Drug: 7 Scientifically Proven Ways That Serving Others Is the Best Medicine for Yourself co-authored by FPCM member Dr. Steve Trzeciak, Live to Give is a biblical exploration of the super power of giving.

Patient God, Patient People

11/6/22 – 11/20/22

For three weeks in November, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach sermon series called, “Patient God, Patient People.” The virtue of patience is a leading mark of a disciple of Christ. All disciples regularly, daily, receive God’s lavish patience. A study of God’s patience shapes this rare jewel of a virtue in God’s people.


 11/27/22 – 12/18/22

In the season of Advent, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a sermon series called “Visitations” from the Gospel of Luke. “Advent means ‘coming.’ Advent is not about one coming; it is about three comings. The great spiritual question the season poses for each of us is, which coming are you and I waiting for now?

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

12/24/22 – 12/25/22