Priorities of a Powerhouse People

From Sunday, April 14, to Pentecost Sunday, May 19, Pastors Allen and Spencer preach a sermon series based on the book of Acts called, “The Priorities of a Powerhouse People.”
On these seven Sundays, we will consider seven priorities of the church in Acts. Scholar Michael Green once wrote of Acts, “The Acts has so much to say to our half-hearted and cold-blooded Christianity in the western world. It rebukes our preoccupation with buildings and…pedigree, our syncretism and pluralism, our lack of expectancy and vibrant faith. As such it is a book supremely relevant for our times.”
Memory Verse: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

Joining Us for Sunday Service?


Worship Times

  • Our Traditional service begins at 9:00 am.
  • Sunday School and Adult Spiritual Formation classes will meet from 10:15 to 11:15 am.
  • Our Contemporary service starting time is 11:00 am with 15 minutes of gathering music, prayer and the sharing of WOW moments.
We continue offering our live stream for those who can’t come to church or enjoy watching from home. Watch on our Live Stream Page.
Nursery care is provided for children ages 0-5 years old in Room 12.

Our Services

Sunday, May 19, 2024

“The Failure to Communicate”

Scripture is  Acts 2:1-8
Rev. Stuart Spencer Preaching
Pentecost Sunday, Full Communion
“The Spirit is the supreme reality in the Acts and he was the overwhelming priority in the lives of the disciples. They knew they were useless without him. At all costs they needed to be filled and remain full of the marvelous Pentecost gift who equipped them for their mission.” *
Sunday, May 12, 2024

“Now Testify!”

Scripture is  Acts 5:26-32
Rev. Wes Allen Preaching
Mother’s Day
“At the very outset the original disciples were wholehearted enough to sink their differences. They were wholehearted enough to stand boldly for him [publicly at Pentecost.].” *
Sunday, May 5, 2024

“Can You Imagine?”

Scripture is  Acts 4:32-37
Rev. Stuart Spencer Preaching
Communion Sunday
“The church is a colony of heaven, and its relationships are meant to be a picture of God’s ability to unite the seemingly irreconcilable in a single fellowship. If it fails to exhibit this, it compromises the very gospel that it preaches.” *
Sunday, April 28, 2024

“Prayer: The Powerhouse Plug”

Scripture is  Acts 4:23-31
Rev. Stuart Spencer Preaching
“Prayer, not activism, is what they relied on…If our churches make prayer a priority, there is every reason to hope that it will rub off on a number of members, and become a governing factor in their lives.” *
Sunday, April 21, 2024

“So Little, So Much”

Scripture is  Acts 3:1-11
Rev. Stuart Spencer Preaching
WAY #1 – Be Third
“The first Christians were totally committed to outreach…Always the direction was outwards.” *
Sunday, April 14, 2024

“You’re Not Alone”

Scripture is  Acts 2:14-21
Rev. Wes Allen Preaching
WAY #25 – Rejoice Always
“’The word’ is a major theme in Acts. It occurs more than thirty times, and it means God’s self-disclosure through the ancient Scriptures of Israel and the recent fulfilment in Jesus of Nazareth.” *
Due to technical issues this broadcast is unavailable.
* All theme quotes come from “30 Years that Changed the World” by Michael Green.

Join Us for Sunday School and More


Adult Spiritual Formation

All are invited to join us!

Sunday mornings, 
from 10:15 -11:15 am in Fellowship Hall

Children’s Sunday School

Sunday School for children and youth meets Sunday mornings from 10:15 -11:15. Sunday School ends May 19
It’s where children learn about the Word of God, the love of God, and His rescue plan; the Promised Savior, Jesus!

We INVITE you to a study/group!


Adult Study

Study 1 Corinthians

The power of the Gospel in the life of a REAL church; warts and all!

Join us each Sunday at 10:15 am in Fellowship Hall. This gathering is led by Lorenzo Eagles, Lissa Herman and Paul Gordon.
This series ends on May 19.

Centering Prayer Group

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm

Pastor Stuart Spencer leads a weekly time of Centering Prayer along with new members Kathy Eagles and Cindy Saint Cyr.
This hour-long session includes a time for Centering Prayer followed by a Lectio Divina Bible Study and time to pray for one another. The Centering Prayer Group meets from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. on Wednesdays in Pastor Spencer’s Study.


The Engagement Project

God has entrusted the primary work of the Kingdom to the common, everyday Christian (us). Have you ever considered that God has providentially placed your neighbor, co-worker, son-in-law… near you so you can cultivate a relationship with her or him and invite them to your table to meet Jesus?
We INVITE you to join our Sunday study, our Wednesday study is has a full group.