Church Has Left the Building


Coming on Sunday, March 30, 2025! We would love for you to join us.


Please contact Rev. Wes Allen at, Deacon moderator Kourtney de la Cruz, any Deacon or the church office at 856.235.1688.

2023 CHLTB is a wrap!

Sunday, October 29 from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm

Thank you to all of the volunteers who were the hands of God. Our church, garden and labyrinth are ready for winter. And our friends who received the bounty of your work are thankful too.
A special thank you to our project leaders: Deacons Susan Shaffer, Bobbi Voglesong, Gail Sorin, Rev. Wes Allen, Mike McNeil, Karen Hynoski and Leslie Spencer. 
Download our list of projects here…  CHLTB WORSHIP INSERT

October 29 and 30, 2022

Members and families headed out into the community to be the hands and feet of the church for this church-wide mission event. Coordinated this year by our Board of Deacons and their local benevolence outreach.



This year we expanded to TWO days and a full weekend to allow for greater flexibility.
Our members and friends engaged in projects offered on Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30.

Kick Off!

And we kicked off the event with a brief worship service Sunday, October 30 at 9:30 am in Miller Commons.

In 2021 we left the building – literally!

Our church-wide mission project was redesigned to reflect the global pandemic, and in 2021, all activities were safely done off-site. We added more projects and encouraged families to work together on larger projects such as food drives.
See all we accomplished in our wrap-up video!


Church Has Left the Building 2020 serves as an inspiration.

The Christian Life is all about how you respond to what God has done for you. Please watch our video of the CHLTB day to see how our members and friends respond! 


Our 2019 projects were rewarding and fun. Just see!