Meal Train


There are times in our lives when friends and family ask, “What can I do to help?” The answer is usually to help with a meal.

It may look like the sole purpose of a Meal Train is to feed people, but deep down it’s also equipping families to face whatever challenge they are currently navigating.
When there is a need for meals within the church, the Deacons create a Meal Train! A member of Deacons will put out the word there is someone in need and caring people can sign up online. You choose your day and time based on what works for your schedule. is a free and simple meal calendar tool that makes planning meals among a wide group easy and less stressful. We INVITE you to SERVE by jumping on the MealTrain as a provider.
Would you like to encourage a member of our church during a challenging time by taking them a meal? To be included on the email contact list for future MealTrains, please contact Alison Mackey in the church office at 856.235.1688, x113.