Living Like a Fountain

Welcome Dr. Bruce Main—The founder and president of UrbanPromise, Dr. Main established UrbanPromise’s first summer camp in the city of Camden in 1988 at the age of 25. His many UrbanPromise roles have included camp director and executive director, as well as the visionary creator of UrbanPromise’s satellite locations in Wilmington, DE; Charlotte, NC; Trenton, NJ; Little Rock, AR; Nashville, TN ; Los Angeles, CA; Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Liberia, Uganda; Toronto, ON; Copán, Honduras; and Lilongwe, Malawi.
Dr. Main graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology. He received his Master’s in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and his Doctorate of Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is an accomplished author and has written a devotional The Promise Effect, Why Jesus Crossed the Road, Spotting the Sacred, and his newest book God Writes a Better Story. He has also penned a children’s book, The Water Barrel. Bruce continues to speak locally as well as travel the world to inspire others to bring hope and opportunity to the children of God. Learn more at

Joining Us for Sunday Service?


Worship Times

  • Our Traditional service begins at 9:00 am.
  • Sunday School and Adult Spiritual Formation classes will from 10:15 to 11:15 am.
  • Our Contemporary service starting time is 11:00 am with 15 minutes of gathering music, prayer and the sharing of WOW moments.
We continue offering our live stream for those who can’t come to church or enjoy watching from home. Watch on our Live Stream Page.
Nursery care is provided for children ages 0-5 years old in Room 12.

Our Service

Sunday, October 20, 2024

“Living Like a Fountain”

Dr. Bruce Main, UrbanPromise International, Preaching

Join Us for Sunday School and More


Adult Spiritual Formation

All are invited to join us!

Sunday mornings
from 10:15 -11:15 am in the Lounge

Children’s Sunday School

Sunday School for children and youth meets Sunday mornings from 10:15 -11:15.
It’s where children learn about the Word of God, the love of God, and His rescue plan; the Promised Savior, Jesus!

Sunday School and Adult Spiritual Formation kicks off September 15

with a joint gathering in Fellowship Hall from 10:15 – 11:15 am. Children will then move to their new classrooms and adults will hear about the fall education offerings for Adult Spiritual Formation and a series on Philippians.

You are cordially INVITED!


Discovery Bible Study

Would you like to discover for yourself what God is like and how God wants you to live? Would you like to be taught by God?
DBS groups will be forming. These small groups begin by asking God to be the teacher as a series of passages from Scripture begin with creation and build to the Gospels. The study offers a fresh look at what we learn about God and what we learn about people from God’s point of view – what He says. A sense of what needs to be done in response follows. Discover for yourself! Contact Joyce Peacock, Pam Engle or the Church office at 856.235.1688.

Adult Spiritual Formation

Sundays, September 15 – November 19, 10:15 – 11:15 am
If you desire to enhance your knowledge of Scripture and grow closer to the Lord, you are invited to join our facilitators as they lead this Fall Study each Sunday from 10:15-11:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.
All High School students (9th-12th grades) are invited and encouraged to attend the adult class.

Centering Prayer Group

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm

Pastor Stuart Spencer leads a weekly time of Centering Prayer along with new members Kathy Eagles and Cindy Saint Cyr.
This hour-long session includes a time for Centering Prayer followed by a Lectio Divina Bible Study and time to pray for one another. The Centering Prayer Group meets from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. on Wednesdays in Pastor Spencer’s Study.



Fall Engagement Project

Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 pm
September 11 – November 13

The Engagement Project is a 10-week small group teaching program which will meet Wednesday evenings at the church. When we draw near to God and contemplate His divine nature, it exposes us, as it did Isaiah. But it also awakens us to His Truth, which transforms us and calls us to engage the world around us. After we engage, we seek to restore the Truth of God in all areas of life.