Learning to Pray


Ken Peacock Memorial Lecture

The Ken Peacock Memorial Lecture has been held at First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown since 2014 and is in memory of Ken Peacock MAR, ThM from Westminster Theological Seminary, an elder and beloved Bible teacher at First Presbyterian Church.


A Praying Life Seminar

Held at First Presbyterian Church on January 25-26, 2019 this lecture series was a live interactive version of the book “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller.

The videos presented below are available to you so you may watch and learn from this exciting seminar. Blessings!

Learning to Pray in a Distracted World

Many of us are irregular or quietly defeated in our private prayer lives. This seminar, offers step-by-step ways to begin a private life of prayer in fellowship with our heavenly Father. Learn to talk like a child with your Father in heaven; see prayer as relationship, prayer as conversation, prayer as a good form of tension, and prayers as a help for problems.

Power of Prayer

If you sense you have any “hitch” in your prayer life, this is an opportunity to find a very simple means of getting comfortable being yourself with God while involving Him more in your life.
We’re on the brink of God really moving in this church in new ways – the power and insight He provides through prayer you’ll find amazing and personal! You’re invited to learn to tap in individually and become more actively involved with Him together with us … then we’ll hold onto our seatbelts as we see what He wants to do here at First Pres Moorestown!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019


Dave Miller

Presenter Dave Miller, the Latin America Coordinator for see Jesus Ministries, spends part of the year in Chile and coordinates other discipleship outreaches throughout South America.

What Others Say

“The A Praying Life seminar is the most practical training in prayer possible, yet it is rooted in biblical theology. I highly recommend it.” – Pastor Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York, NY.