Please Join Us!

We invite you to visit us, meet new friends, hear the word of God, and see what Jesus is doing in our world of faith. Don’t live in our area? Not a problem! Our services and concerts are all available through live stream and many of our studies and presentations are shared via Zoom.

We Offer So Much at FPC Moorestown!

Take the time to explore our website and see all that we have to offer. We are a very active congregation and we would be thankful for the chance to meet you and share our love of God with you!

We Love to Worship!

We are ‘open’ to welcome you on Sundays at 9:00 am to a Traditional Worship Service held in our Sanctuary and 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Service held in Miller Commons. And we hold an online Prayer Service on Thursdays at 7:00 pm.
Can’t join us in person? You can access all of our services through our live stream page from the comfort of your home.

Here’s What’s Coming Up!


Adult Prayer Breakfast

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10
This year during Lent, the Men’s Prayer Group of FPC Moorestown invites men and women of the congregation to a wonderful morning with amazing food and a special time of learning and fellowship.
The morning begins with a delicious breakfast at 8:30 am in Fellowship Hall prepared by the men’s group. After breakfast, Sister Marcy from the Francis House of Prayer Retreat Center, will teach about Centering Prayer.
High school age or older and their friends are most welcome. There is no cost for the event.


Demand is very high for our Blessing Box; Help us Restock
PLEASE HELP! Food needs are critical in our local community and demand is very high for the Blessing Box! Next time you’re grocery shopping, consider picking up some nonperishable food items so we can restock the Blessing Box for those facing hunger.
Please bring food with you when you come to worship and activities, and leave food on the shelves in the Commons Lobby for the Deacons to restock. Please make sure food is NOT expired.

The Season of Lent

Lent is the 40-day period leading up to Easter, (excluding Sundays) that starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. The 40 days of Lent involve fasting, prayer, discipline and almsgiving as a way to connect deeper with God.
Lent is a very busy time at First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s a time of joy and hope, commemorating the defeat of death and the fulfillment of God’s plan for humanity.
Download The Journey of Lent Guide for events and activities of the Lenten Season (first issue of three issues Feb. 23-April 20).


The Mustard Seed Cooperative Garden at FPC Moorestown is seeking a paid intern for the 2025 growing season, with most of the work completed between June 15 and August 31. 
The Mustard Seed Cooperative Garden serves the Moorestown community by growing fresh produce and donating it to our neighbors in need. Located on the church property, the Garden produced approximately 650 pounds of vegetables and berries during the 2024 growing season (March through October) and all is donated to two food distribution ministries in Moorestown to share with those they serve.
Pay is $17 per hour, with a maximum total of 62 paid hours of work during the internship. Contact Leslie Spencer through the church office if you are interested in the position – 856.235.1688. We will accept applications until the position is filled.

The Great FPC Chili Cookoff!

On Sunday, March 30 we will gather together as a church family for our 9:30 am 5th Sunday Combined Worship Service. Immediately following worship, join the Deacons for a festive and fun 5th Sunday Chili Cookoff.
We will be awarding prizes and bragging rights! Challenge is ON! Tickets to vote are $5 for 10 tickets

We Commit to Pray, Invite, Serve and Give


First Presbyterian Church is called to Grow the Kingdom of God.

As we commit to growing God’s Kingdom, every member and friend of FPC Moorestown is invited into a covenant with four commitments. Specifically, we look to members and friends to PRAY often for God’s leading and provision. We INVITE others to come to FPC Moorestown and, most importantly, know Jesus. Members and friends offer their time and their hands to SERVE and aid our mission and ministry. Finally, our people GIVE financially in consistent ways and sometimes sacrificially.

Our 25 Ways Guide Us

Community is such a gift! The better we grow our community – more loving, kind and merciful – the more inline we are with our greater message; the message of our faith.
Pastor Spencer shares with us how, using our 25 WAYS as a guide, we create a culture that knows how to go out into the local and global community to give and invest.

Thank you to Rolando Vega and CultureWise for this video production.

Our Inquirers’ Class…

Are you interested in learning more about First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown and possibly joining the congregation? The Membership Committee extends an invitation to you to attend our Inquirers Class.
The Inquirers’ Class is for those interested in learning more about FPC Moorestown, and the Presbyterian Church as a whole. The three-part series is comprised of a Wednesday evening in-person/Zoom class, a single Saturday in-person class and the traditional meeting with Session to be received into membership. This format is designed to work with today’s busy schedules.


Reach Out and Get Connected!

First Presbyterian Church
PO Box 868
101 Bridgeboro Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057