Prayer Through Jesus’ Eyes


Ken Peacock Memorial Lecture

The Ken Peacock Memorial Lecture has been held at First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown since 2014 and is in memory of Ken Peacock MAR, ThM from Westminster Theological Seminary, an elder and beloved Bible teacher at First Presbyterian Church.


Prayer Though Jesus’ Eyes… Growing as His Disciples

The Ken Peacock Memorial Lecture Series, in collaboration with the Prayer Team of FPC Moorestown, is pleased to offer a two-session seminar on Scripture based, Spirit motivated prayer combining the principles of Paul Miller’s A Praying Life with “The Person of Jesus” study version of Love Walked Among Us. “To see Jesus is to see what love, indeed, looks like. Paul Miller gives us a fresh look…” says Joni Eareckson Tada, Founder of Joni & Friends and Author.


Introducing Jesus

This seminar introduces a Jesus so personal, so rich in love, that participants are captivated heart-first to see as Jesus sees, leading to Spirit led prayer. Conveyed through an energetic, interactive format and incorporating the principles of A Praying Life, participants are led through gospel narratives to open their hearts to the nudging of the Spirit to see through the lens of Jesus and then Scripturally pray for those in their own lives. As they enter into a sampling of the beauty of the Person of Jesus, their eyes are opened to a rich encounter with God’s love, and their hearts empowered to love and pray for others.

Rev. Keith Grant

Keith Grant, pastor at Riverside Community Church (Horsham, PA), who has served as an actor, spokesperson, corporate trainer, and as A Praying Life trainer, has discovered a happy marriage of his teaching gifts and his passion for Jesus. “I get to lead people to the feet of Christ and watch their eyes light up as they see him in new ways.” Keith also serves seeJesus as a development associate.