We give to help bring hope and light to the world.

Our Steeple Restoration project, completed through your support.

In many wonderful and encouraging ways, you’ve been a faith-filled people throughout these unprecedented days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Week by week, your faith spurred you to give generously to keep our doors open and our mission moving ahead.
As we come into these last weeks of 2020, we are offering special year-end giving opportunities you may wish to take advantage of to support our ministry and achieve a personal financial benefit.
  • Year End Stock Donations
Process stock gifts expediently by contacting your broker or Norman Vandergrift at 856-235-1688, Ext. 112 or nvandergrift@fpcmoorestown.org.
  • Christmas Green Offering
This offering directly aids our FPC Moorestown church program areas such as children’s and adult ministries, youth ministry, membership and nurture, music, worship, prayer ministry and missions. Please use the Christmas Green envelope in boxed sets and the mailed pastor’s letter, leave in the offering box or mail your check to the church.
  • Christmas Joy Offering
This denominational gift assists racial-ethnic schools and retired PCUSA workers who need financial assistance. Please use the Christmas Joy envelope in boxed sets, leave in the offering box or mail your check to the church.
  • General Budget Help
A gift above your pledged giving that keeps our ministry going forward would be most appreciated. Every love gift helps us close our current gap, critical in this COVID year. We ask you to strongly consider making a special gift to help us meet our 2020 budget if you have the resources to do so. You may mail checks to the church office or donate online at www.fpcmoorestown.org.