This year, our Ministry Fair happens to fall on our birthday! Let’s make September 12th special this year!

September 12th marks the 133rd Birthday of our church. In honor of the church’s celebration of its founding on September 12, 1888, members are encouraged to donate to the future of FPC Moorestown by giving to the September 12 endowment fund. The fund is invested to earn income which helps to support the needs of our church.
How can you send your birthday gift to the church? Bring your envelope to the Sept. 12 Ministry Fair, mail your gift to the church, give online, or drop in the offering plate. Gifts may be donated through December.
See our flyer ..SEPTEMBER 12 FLYER
This fund began in 1993, when our Interim Pastor at that time, Dr. Bryant Kirkland, and Dr. James Honan, conceived of creating a special fund to celebrate our past and invest in our future. The September 12th Fund serves as a long-term endowment for our church. Financial contributions to the September 12th Fund are held and invested for the care and protection of our church over time. A designated portion of the earnings are distributed each year for current church needs.
It is the invested gifts of those who came before us that have grown over time to create financial stability for FPC even in uncertain times. It is our gifts that will provide that same stability for future generations to weather the storms that will come.
This is especially important for us at times like this COVID-19 pandemic. We can only be ready for these situations if we faithfully prepare, save and invest for times like these.
There is no better way to protect the future and make a lasting difference financially for our beloved First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown. So, in this our 133rd year, please consider a gift of $13.30, $133.00, $1,330 or $13,300.
READ a letter from the pastor about a special opportunity to support this legacy …  PASTOR SPENCER’S LETTER