Consecration Sunday, October 18th. New changes!

We Give to the Lord

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (NRSV)

Please make plans to virtually attend 9:30 a.m. worship on Sunday, October 18 when we will celebrate the joy of living a generous Christ-centered life. In some ways, our stewardship campaign looks a little different this year and, in some ways, it looks just the same.

How It Will Work
In early October, Estimate of Giving cards will be MAILED to all members so that households may prayerfully (and safely) indicate their weekly, monthly or annual financial commitments to the Lord’s Work. Members may also submit them online. On Consecration Sunday (Oct. 18), we will all be together at home for ONE 9:30 a.m. live stream service, where we will welcome an engaging speaker Dr. Shane Berg from Princeton Theological Seminary. Together, as an act of worship, members will complete their 2021 giving pledge.

Stewardship Series
On September 27, we began our stewardship sermon series “Giving Lessons,”, to provide a biblical framework of God’s Word. Thank you to our Stewardship Speakers:

Sept. 27: Kelly and Lorenzo Eagles
Oct. 4: Frank Manion
Oct. 11: Ann and Tom McBride
Oct. 18: Dr. Shane Berg, Princeton Theological Seminary, Guest Preacher

Dedicating our Gifts
Drive-Up Dedication. As we do traditionally, we offer a meaningful way to dedicate your pledge (COVID style!). From 10:45-noon that morning, take part in a contact-free Drive-Up Dedication Parade where you can dedicate your gifts safely from your car. Members of the Stewardship team will receive your sealed Estimate of Giving envelope given through your car window, and Stuart and Kelly will offer a personal prayer of thanksgiving for each arriving household.


Other Ways to Submit Your Estimate of Giving
If you’re unable to join us for the Drive-Up Dedication, you may submit your Estimate of Giving online, or mail the card in the return envelope that will be provided in the mailing in early October. Watch your mail for additional information!