“Generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity.” Isaiah 32: 8

Consecration Sunday
October 13, 2024

9:30 am Blended Worship followed by

Covered Dish Brunch & Kickball Game

There is so much to celebrate and give thanks to God for at FPC Moorestown. Our church continues to be blessed by new members and friends that have become an active part of our church community and the persistent commitment of those who have long called FPC Moorestown home. Many of you give generously of your time, talent and treasure to serve God by serving the church. Thank you! 

 FPC Moorestown Stewardship Committee Nancy Chumney, Janet D’Angelo, Jan Martin, Matt Moxhay, Kevin Schaeffer, Norm Vandergrift and Ginny Weber, Chair.
May we rejoice and express our gratitude together during this yearly celebration for all that our Lord has done among this blessed gathering of ‘family and friends’. Sunday, October 13th was our Consecration Sunday, with one service at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary.

We ask every member and friend to be prepared to present their Estimate of Giving Card for 2025.

Following the service we enjoyed a festive covered-dish brunch and a kickball game between Team Spencer and Team Allen.
If you are unable to attend on October 13, we ask that you kindly return your pledge commitment card to the church office before Consecration Sunday or soon after. You may also submit your pledge online!
Scan to complete your Estimate of Giving!

The Generosity Ladder

Every kind of practiced giving builds strength and promises joy for the giver. As you prepare to offer yourself and your gift, consider the Generosity Ladder. Like climbing a ladder, rung by rung, it becomes part of who we are. The rungs below can help orient where you are in the journey. As you consider the ladder, ask yourself the following questions and consider your next steps: “Where am I on the generosity ladder and where do I want to be?”
  • Initial: I am taking my first step of faith in God and His promises by giving something.
  • Intentional: I am planning to grow my giving percentage as I grow in faith.
  • Faithful: I give my first and best to God as a tithe in obedience and faith.
  • Missional: I am eagerly motivated to invest sacrificially for the Kingdom.
  • Legacy: I have made audacious generosity a top priority of my life and estate.

Stewardship Moments

“Ultimately, giving is an act of faith. Not just about sustaining our church, it’s about building a culture of generosity that reflects the gifts God has given us.” Deacon Joshua Leonard

In the weeks leading up to Consecration Sunday

We are a PRAYING, INVITING, SERVING AND GIVING church! In this consecration and stewardship season Rev. Spencer reminds us all of our Grow the Kingdom commitments.

The effectiveness of our church’s mission and ministries in 2025 depends on your initiative and dedication.