Christmas Eve 2020

Planning for Christmas Eve in the middle of a pandemic, like nearly everything else we’ve faced in 2020, wasn’t easy. Consider that Christmas Eve is the night when everyone goes to church. Not this year. Most churches planned for pre-recorded or live stream services with no in-person participants.
But at FPC Moorestown, after planning and adjusting, we were able to offer both in-person and live stream Christmas celebrations. 

Our Christmas Music


Gesu Bambino

Martens / Yon
Produced by our own Martin Bass and featuring Charles Bass, Christine Bass, Eternity Bass, Judah Bass, Kristin Bass, Martin Bass, Simeon Bass, Trey Bass, Parris Bass, Sarah Bromke, Lauren Clark, Cheryl Gaskill, Beth Lefferts, Becca Neindorff, Yanellie Pabon, Dennis Palma, Caitlyn Posey, Matt Posey, Gwen Wilkie, Janet Wilkie.

Christmas Carols

Under the leadership of Joel Krott
Pre-Worship Christmas Choral Concert with FPC’s Choristers, Chapel Choir, and Adult Choir


Our Christmas Eve Services


Outdoor Christmas Eve Worship

We had a way to gather safely on this holy and beautiful night by offering two unique outdoor services on an early Christmas Eve! We gathered on Wednesday, December 23 due to inclement weather on December 24. 
We prepared the courtyard next to the sanctuary with luminarias, fire pits, and other decorations.
These brief services featured a lot of carol singing, Scripture, prayer and a Christmas message.

Indoor Lessons and Carols

Our Christmas Eve service; with Communion and an abbreviated order of Lessons and Carols. Some of our choirs sang that evening. Pastor Spencer preached and celebrated the Lord’s Supper with our virtual congregation.
After we gathered around the Lord’s Table, Kelly LePenske invited us to light our candle at home as we sang “Silent Night, Holy Night.”

Prayers, songs and the story of the birth make for beautiful services on Christmas Eve at FPC Moorestown.  Please enjoy our photo gallery. Just click on any photo to open our gallery in full size.