TELL YOUR STORY. God has done and is doing something unique in your life. Has God answered a prayer, provided help, or blessed you? Share it. Ask God for opportunities to share your faith in Christ by words and deeds.
a “No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him. (Luke 8:39)
b Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. (Psalm 107: 2)
c “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
Ideas for Action: At the start of each morning this week, think about one thing you’re grateful to God for from the previous 24 hours. Got it? Now share it with someone else in the course of today.


Daily Devotionals

Psalm 107:1-9+43
THINK: Scripture is full of peoples stories, but nowhere else are you commanded as clearly to Tel Your Story as in Psalm 107. If you are redeemed, then you should Tell Your Story .Spend sometime today thinking though who God has been in your life and what He has done. As you look to Tell Your Story, it is first important to know it.
PRAY: with God to seek out what He has been doing in your life and who He has shown himself to be.


Acts 1:1-11
THINK: Those who receive the Holy Spirit are called to be “witnesses.” You and I have received that same Spirit. We can offer evidence of God’s character, might, and work. We are the ones who make the case for others to believe in and trust God. It is as integral for you to Tell Your Story as it is for a witness at trial to share their evidence.
PRAY: God would give you opportunities to Tell Your Story.


John 4:7-18
THINK: Sometimes our story seems too shameful to share. We worry that if others knew they would look down on us. So we hide it away and we hide ourselves away. When we hide our story, we make barriers between community and ourselves. Jesus doesn’t expose the woman’s shame to degrade her but to bring her past into the open. When you do not let shame or judgement keep you from Telling Your Story to those you can trust?
PRAY: the Church would be a safe space for people to share hard stories.


Genesis 14: 17-24
THINK: The life story of Melchizedek has to be the greatest life story never told. This guy is a priest completely outside of the call of Abraham and God’s chosen people. Did God reveal himself to Melchizedek? We don’t know because his story is never told. You may not be a priest who blesses Abram, but you have stories of God’s goodness and grace which should not be lost. Tell Your Story. (If you want to know more read Hebrews 7).
PRAY: God would embolden you to Tell Your Story.


Lamentations 3:1-6 and 55-60
THINK: Sometimes your story isn’t happy and uplifting. Sometimes your story wrestles with how God can actually be good in the middle of all this mess. Tell Your Story anyway. Faith is rarely simple, though we try our best to make it seem so. We need more stories of struggle and uncertainty in our church if for no other reason than to tell others “You are not alone.”
PRAY: that God would show you how to wrestle with Him well.


Luke 2:36-38
THINK: The Bible is written in a strongly patriarchal society yet stories of strong women are still raised up. Maybe not as many as our modern sensibilities would like, but more than were common in that day. Christianity was once at the front line of hearing and telling the stories of the shunned or oppressed, and we can be again. No matter who you are and where you’re from, when we become a community who looks to Tell Your Story, we normalize, value, and empower all walks of life.
PRAY: that God would bring up the stories in our community, which are undertold.

Devotional Guides

SERIES ONE  Printable copy of Way #24 Devotionals (Small Group Guide)
SERIES TWO Printable copy of Way #24 Devotionals (Series Two)