FIND STRENGTH IN BELONGING. At FPC Moorestown, you’re loved and valued. Claim us as your family. Rather than withdrawing, allow struggles and disappointments to deepen your sense of belonging. Pray for chances to bring healing to relationships. Please be patient! God isn’t yet finished with us or with you.
a They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity. (Acts 2: 46)
b I appeal to Euodia and Syntyche. Please, because you belong to the Lord, settle you disagreement. And I ask you, my true partner to help these two women, for they worked hard with me in telling others the Good News. (Philippians 4:2,3)
d The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. ( Psalms 103: 8)
Ideas for Action: Is there a disappointment you’ve been carrying about the church? In prayer, offer it to the Lord and ask for His help in releasing it. If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines at home, get back in the game by returning to worship and joining a small group, a class or a committee. We need you, and you need us.


Daily Devotionals

Acts 2:46
THINK: The early Christians Found Strength in Belonging in each others lives. You don’t belong to an amorphous community who gets together on Sunday mornings. You belong in a close network of relationships who share each other’s lives, burdens, and tables. Life is undoubtedly getting busier, but you can Find Strength in Belonging in something as simple as a shared meal.
PRAY: God would build a community of belonging here.


Romans 14:7-9
THINK: We belong first to Jesus. In his death and resurrection, he makes a claim on your life and calls you friend, child, and heir. Though we were in rebellion, he adopted us into His family; and we belong with Him. Find Strength in Belonging to a God who created you, knows you, rescued you, loves you, and looks forward to spending time with you.
PRAY: God would show you what He thinks of you.


Ephesians 4:29-30
THINK: This is what the God that you belong to is like: slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. Too often the reason people choose not to belong to a local church is because we have not mirrored who God is in our interactions. The number one adjective non-Christians apply to the church is judgmental. That is not who we are and not who our God is. Find Strength in Belonging here just as you are.
PRAY: We would be a church slow to anger and filled with unfailing love.


Matthew 18:15-17
THINK: This is what the God that you belong to is like: slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. Too often the reason people choose not to belong to a local church is because we have not mirrored who God is in our interactions. The number one adjective non-Christians apply to the church is judgmental. That is not who we are and not who our God is. Find Strength in Belonging here just as you are.
PRAY: We would be a church slow to anger and filled with unfailing love.


Genesis 45:4-5
THINK: Few families have been worse to one of its members than Joseph’s. Sold into slavery and forgotten, Joseph has every reason to be bitter, hateful, and vengeful; but after playing a morally questionable trick on his brothers, Joseph calls for his brothers to “come close to him.” We say Find Strength in Belonging because sometimes it takes strength to choose to belong. PRAY: the Spirit would help you forgive someone who hurt you.


Matthew 22:8-10
THINK: Not only do we, as member of the Body of Christ belong with one another, but we belong to one another. A hand belongs with an arm, but each also needs the other. Belonging is not just about home and feeling welcome. It is also about being needed. When you Find Strength in Belonging, the Church grows through your input and care. PRAY: the Spirit would show you what you have to offer FPC which we need.

Devotional Guides

SERIES ONE  Printable copy of Way #20 Devotionals (Small Group Guide)
SERIES TWO Printable copy of Way #20 Devotionals (Series Two)