Our House, God’s House

In our annual Stewardship Emphasis, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach a sermon series, “Our House, God’s House.”

This year we mark the 100th year of the home where our church is built and 135th Anniversary of FPC Moorestown, we joyously claim responsibility for our house for it is the Lord’s house. 
Memory Verse: “Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.” Ephesians 2: 20

Joining Us for Sunday Service?


Worship Times

  • Our Traditional service begins at 9:00 am.
  • Sunday School and Adult Spiritual Formation classes will meet from 10:15 to 11:15 am.
  • Our Contemporary service starting time remains at 11:00 am with 15 minutes of gathering music, prayer and the sharing of WOW moments.
We continue offering our live stream for those who can’t come to church or feel safer watching from home.

We have two very special Sundays this October!


Consecration Sunday

October 15, 9:30 am Blended Worship and
Covered Dish Brunch (Fellowship Hall)
It’s coming! Please plan now to join with your church family in worship that Sunday morning for a COMBINED 9:30 am service in the sanctuary. We will gather to hear an inspiring message by pastor Stuart Spencer culminating our stewardship sermon series “Our House, God’s House.” Wes Allen will lead us in the dedication of our Estimate of Giving cards as an act of worship.

CHLTB Weekend

Saturday, October 28 and Sunday, October 29
This year we will be tending to a few items at our house… the FPC Moorestown campus, our Mustard Seed Cooperative Garden and Carol’s House. We also have some great projects for Christian Caring Center, Seeds of Hope and Feeding 5000 that can be completed at the church or at home. On Sunday we will begin with a combined worship at 9:30 am with Luke Maxted as our guest preacher. Afterward we will join in various Sunday projects.
Our Services
Sunday, October 29, 2023
5th Sunday (9:30 am combined)
Church Has Left The Building weekend

“What To Do Tomorrow?”

Scripture Matthew 25: 31-40
Pastor Luke Maxted Preaching

Sunday, October 22, 2023

“Trusting God at Home”

Scripture John 4: 43-54
Pastor Wes Allen Preaching
WAY 25
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Consecration Sunday (9:30 am combined)

“Building Our House for the Lord”

Scripture Mark 2: 1-12
Pastor Wes Allen Preaching
WAY 24

Sunday, October 8, 2023

“Needing More Space”

Pastor Stuart Spencer Preaching
WAY 23
Sunday, October 1, 2023
World Communion Sunday

“House Rules”

Pastor Stuart Spencer Preaching
WAY 22y
Join Us For Sunday School

Adult Spiritual Formation

“Sermon on the Mount”

Sunday morning, September 17 – November 19
from 10:15 -11:15 am in Fellowship Hall

Children’s Sunday School

Sunday School for children and youth meets Sunday mornings from 10:15 -11:15.
It’s where children learn about the Word of God, the love of God, and His rescue plan; the Promised Savior, Jesus!