Pastor Update, Coronavirus Letter 23


Dear Members and Friends of FPC Moorestown:
On this gorgeous morning, two days after heavy storms battered our region, I bring you an update. I’m always amazed how a fierce downpour often clears the air and results in a string of lovely weather. I pray that the storms we’re facing together may soon bring the beauty of God’s purposes.
At a specially called meeting September 2nd, Session approved the following COVID-19 protocols. These protocols take effect immediately and will remain in place through October. Session and staff will monitor the pandemic and make changes to these guidelines as warranted.
  • Masks will be mandatory for everyone when gathering indoors (including both vaccinated and unvaccinated) when Burlington County is deemed to have high or substantial community spread. This applies to worship and all indoor meetings. Masking is encouraged but not required for outdoor meetings or gatherings on our property.
  • Beginning Sunday, Sept. 5th, congregational singing will be discontinued, singers will be masked, and those who attend in-person will be distanced.
  • We’ll continue to serve the Lord’s Supper as we have through the pandemic in pre-packaged units.
  • We will not serve or eat food indoors. Pre-made or prepared food may be served and eaten outside.
We’re learning how to live with a pandemic that appears to have no end in sight. I’m certain that some from our congregation will be discouraged or disheartened by the return of masking to our indoor gatherings. In light of the rising transmission risk for Burlington County, Session felt that our protocols needed revision. Throughout the pandemic, your Session has always sought to ensure the safety of our members and friends — from the youngest to the oldest.
I am deeply grateful for the members of our Session. Amid busy lives, our elders give freely and often of their time. Throughout the course of the pandemic, Session members have met, beyond our monthly stated and committee meetings, to tackle the wide range of unprecedented issues and concerns that no one has faced before.
I happened to read a portion of the New Testament book of James this week in my daily quiet time. James was a straight shooter. In chapter 3, James pens a clear call for God’s people to seek “heavenly wisdom” or God’s wisdom as we live together facing all the challenges we face. Notice his assurance of something beautiful blooming as we seek God’s guidance. It’s as beautiful as the stunning late summer weather that follows a hurricane.
13 Who in your community is understanding and wise? Let her or his example, which is marked by wisdom and gentleness, blaze a trail for others. 17 Heavenly wisdom centers on purity, peace, gentleness, deference, mercy, and other good fruits untainted by hypocrisy. 18 The seed that flowers into righteousness will always be planted in peace by those who embrace peace. (James 3: 12, 17 – 18, The Voice)
Thank you for patient support and unfailing kindness to me, our staff and our lay leaders.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Stuart Spencer, Pastor