Sunday, October 17, 2021

Worship Service, 9:30 am

Drive-Through Dedication, 11:30 am-12:00 pm

On Sunday, October 17 we celebrate the joy of living a generous Christ-centered life with our annual stewardship emphasis.
We will all be together (in-person or via live stream) for ONE 9:30 am service, where we will welcome Rev. Sam Massengill as our guest preacher. During worship, we will prayerfully dedicate our gifts. If you won’t be here that day, you may return by mail, fill out online, or swing through a Drive-Through Dedication from 11:30-Noon that day.
Our sermon series “Now Is The Time” provides a biblical framework for this emphasis highlighted by personal stories from church members. To assist with budget projections, we kindly ask that all estimates be turned in by October 31.